- Live in love without immorality
- Morality is both defined and shaped by the light of Christ
- Exercise wisdom as you live in love
Reflection Questions:
In your own words, define holiness. What does holiness have to do with morality? How would you describe holiness to someone who has never been a part of a church or explored faith concepts?
How does our pursuit of holiness affect the way we nsspond to people who are antagonistic to the Christian faith? What difference does holiness make?
Is it possible to be overly concerned about offending others? Should we be concerned about oftending people at all? Explain.
What role does self-control play in pursuing holiness? How does one exercise self-control?
What does love have to do with holiness?
Read 1 Peter 1:13-16. Why does Peter call his audience to set their hope fully on the grace given when Jesus Christ is revealed? What does this have to do with living a holy life? How does (or should) hope in Christ affect the decisions we make on a daily basis?
What role does Christian fellowship play in how we respond to our surrounding culture? What is the relationship between grace/mercy and holiness?
What role does the Holy Spirit have in our pursuit of holiness? What role does the Spirit have in how we love our neighbors?
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