- Minimizing the “I” factor
- Maximizing the “We” factor
- Maintaining the way of Christ
Reflection Questions:
Read Romans 12:1-21. What does it mean to be living sacrifices? How does Paul describe that idea in this section of his letter?
Paul emphasizes the mind in Romans 12:2. Why do you think he does so? How is one transformed by having their mind renewed?
Why does Paul tell Christians to not think more highly of themselves than they ought? How should a Christian think of themselves?
What does it mean to minimize the “I” factor? Where else in scripture to you hear this idea? What kinds of things go awry when we overemphasize ourselves or our own desires or happiness? How are relationships affected?
What roles do attitude, intentionality, and discipline play in living in harmony with one another?
Why do you suppose Paul uses the metaphor of a body in his description of the church and how Christians are united and belong together? What kind of bond is he describing here? Where else in scripture do you see this connection between Christians described and what other images or metaphors are used?
What do you find most challenging about Paul’s exhortations in Romans 12:6-13?
What connection exists here in Paul’s call to transformation, the discipline Paul is calling for, and the way we relate to other Christians?
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